Getting Started

Install RLCatalyst

RLCatalyst can be installed either directly from source or using one of our quickinstallers

Quick Installer

RLCatalyst can be installed using one of our Quick Installers

Quick install using RLCatalyst Installer Script

RLCatalyst can be installed quickly using a chef-based installer. This installer will be available for installing on Centos and Ubuntu . The catalyst installer will install RLCatalyst and Open Source Chef. Basic seed data to start the application will also be taken care by the installer

Ubuntu 14.04 and Centos

You can install RLCatalyst using the installer script

chmod +x

Install using Docker

Download the docker image from:

and run these commands:

docker pull relevancelab/rlcatalyst:3.5.0
docker run -t -i -p 3001:3001 --name catalyst331 relevancelab/rlcatalyst:3.5.0 /bin/bash

Quick install using Vagrant

Setup RLCatalyst on your dektop/laptop using vagrant. You need to have vagrant installed in your machine:

RL Catalyst Installation on Vagrant with chef:

git clone
cd vagrantwithchef
vagrant up

RL Catalyst Installation on Vagrant without chef:

git clone
cd vagrant
vagrant up

Quick install using RLCatalyst Public AWS Image

If you have an AWS account, you can bring up RLCatalyst using the public AMI available. The public image is currently available for US east(N.Virginia) region. This comes with some basic configurations required by RLCatalyst

  1. From your EC2 dashboard, select N.California region . In the Images/AMI link, choose “Public Images” in the dropdown . Search for image with AMI ID ami-f4270294 and AMI Name RLCatalyst4.0.0-stage
  2. Select the image and hit Launch
  3. On the “Instance Type” page ,choose the instance size as t2.medium or bigger . We recommend atleast 4 GB RAM
  4. On the “Configure Instance Details” page, choose your preferred Network and Subnets. If you want to assign a public IP to RLCatalyst, then enable “Auto-assign Public IP”
  5. On “Tag Instance” , name your instance
  6. On “Security Group” , add rule to open ports 443, 8080,8081 and 3001.
  7. Review and launch . Once the instance is in “Running” state , you can access RLCatalyst at http://<ip>:3001 . Login using superadmin/superadmin@123
  8. This image includes the devops role like jenkins at http://<ip>:8080 (default credentials)
  9. This image includes the devops role Nexus at http://<ip>:8081 (default credentials)

Following video demonstrates how to Quick install using RLCatalyst public AWS Image:

Install from Source

Refer to Install Directly From Source to install RLCatalyst directly from source

Working with RL Catalyst

Basic Scenarios - Using RLCatalyst Instance

Once you install RLCatalyst , basic data to quick-start your experience will be available within the application - Organization setup, chef server , environments, templates, services etc . You can start exploring by importing RLCatalyst instance into Catalyst

Listed below are few features which RLCatalyst offers out of the box:

Advanced Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment [CI/CD] Features

Jenkins is CI/CD tool which can be used for build and deployment automation. It also allows you to continuously deliver your software by providing powerful ways to define your build pipelines and integrating with a large number of testing and deployment technologies.

How to Configure, Create, Execute Jenkins Jobs and View History in RLCatalyst ?